
Showing posts from June, 2021

EMSB calls upon QCGN to challenge Bill 96

Montreal, June 29, 2021 – The English Montreal School Board Council of Commissioners has adopted a resolution calling upon the Quebec Community Groups Network (QCGN) to challenge Bill 96 to the fullest extent of the law. If it becomes law, Bill 96, An Act respecting French, the official and common language of Québec , would make fundamental changes to the provincial’s education system, including:           Amending the  Charter of the French language , including sections pertaining to access to English language education;            Amending the Regulation respecting the exemption from the application of the first paragraph of section 72 of the Charter of the French language that may be granted to children staying in Québec temporarily;            Amending the  General and Vocational Colleges Act ; “We were elected to protect and defend the constitutional rights of the English...

An Interview with a talented FACE Graduate during the pandemic year

Montreal, June 14, 2021 - The end of June 2021 marks the beginning of another chapter in the lives for all grade 11 students in Quebec as they graduate from high school. For EMSB’s grade 11 FACE student, Siobhan Kuzak, graduation means leaving the school that she has attended for the last 12 years of her life. "FACE is not for everyone," she says. "It is for students who are more creative in nature, and for students who find interests in the arts. Itis great for exploring one’s artistic abilities if that is something that interests you. It is great for people who are passionate for music, art, theatre, choir, dance …FACE’s most unique feature is that it is a public school that involves students in all art forms. I appreciate this because usually schools that practice music will require you to already play an instrument and schools don’t usually focus on every art form.”  Siobhan  performs. Siobhan admits that her parents made the right decision to sign her up for FACE’ k...

EMSB Announces Measures for June 9 Professionals Strike

Montreal, June 3, 2021- On Wednesday, June 9 from midnight until 12:01 pm, members of the professionals union will be on strike. At the  English Montreal School Board, teachers will provide services remotely for their students as follows: o Online instruction from home will take place in the afternoon beginning at 12:01 p.m. for all students, and the school’s regular afternoon schedule  will  be respected. Teachers will work from home in the morning and will receive further instructions from their administration; •   Attendants and Technicians, will also provide services remotely with students and teachers as per the above schedule; • With the exception of Teachers, Attendants and Technicians, all employees are expected to report to work at their schools/centres on June 9 at 12:01 p.m. and assume their regular duties; •     Daycare services will be cancelled for students; however, the daycare staff is expected to report to school as per the ...